Who We Are...
Historically, the creative work of women, femme-identifying, and gender-nonconforming individuals has been under-appreciated, looked down upon, and often flat-out ignored across mainstream culture and print media. The Rational Creature seeks to change that by publishing work exclusively from these communities.
We are a team of editors that is excited by writing and visual art that explores issues of gender, promotes intersectionality, and strives toward equality in what gets printed and distributed in the arts. Our goal is to provide a safe space for marginalized creators to showcase their work, and to explore the role of gender in our world through social, cultural, and biological lenses.​
What We Do...
On an annual (or sometimes bi-annual) basis, the TRC team publishes print zines, highlighting work from artists of historically underrepresented gender identities who reside all over the world. As of 2022, we also pay our contributors. In addition to our publications, we hold events at venues in New York City throughout the year, and have worked with organizations such as Planned Parenthood, New Sanctuary Coalition, and Campaign Zero to advocate for social, racial, and gender equality.